Monday, October 29, 2012

9th Annual Metrobarks

TAHS - Bark in the Park

Teddy Bear Care Fair at the Toledo Zoo with TAHS

Toledo HUmane Society - Girl SCout after-school programs!

 These are the items in the Pet Suitcase!!

This is the pamphlet of information that is given to each girl scout during this after-school program of pet responsibility!

TAHS and KMart Emergency Days

I helped out at the Emergency Days at the Kmart on Alexis Rd, I passed out flyer regarding pet safety and also talked with people about my Platform PETS and encouraged participation in summer programs for kids.

The Toledo Humane Society Annual FUR BALL

I helped out at the annual TAHS FUR Ball selling lighted p paw blinkers and other things.  Had a blast they had a great auction and silent raffle.